Investment projects with scope: Berwickshire

This heading has a budget of £5

LBF2/111/BER - Coldingham Community Council - £15,000

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

Coldingham wants to recreate the Merket Cross using stone from what remains of the 19th century cross, the old kirk and new stone. This will be a focal point for the community and enhance the centre of the village.

Duns 700, Castle and Community Image

LBF2/99/BER - Duns 700, Castle and Community - £15,000

2019-05-08  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

To mark the 700th Anniversary of Duns Castle, a sound and light show with 3D mapping is being planned as a community celebration and enhance 2020 Duns Summer Festival. Help us to create a spectacle that showcases Duns and the Borders internationally.  

Swinton & Ladykirk Community Council Image

LBF2/86/BER - Swinton & Ladykirk Community Council - £2,014

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

Replacement of the current Swinton Village Green electrical cabling & sockets, which no longer comply with safety standards. A safe electricity supply on the Green is essential for events like our Swinton Gala Day & Christmas Lights Display.


LBF2/61/BER - Berwickshire Maritime Trust - £14,950

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

This boat will provide a chance for the people of Berwickshire to learn and enjoy the skills needed for being at sea in a very traditional sailing vessel. Then to gain understanding of what life at sea is all about, and how rewarding that can be.

Duns Swimming Pool Image.jpg

LBF2/11/BER - Duns Swimming Pool - £9,558

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

A power hoist enables independent access to Duns Pool for any swimmer finding the steps difficult. Numbers needing help have grown so a new hoist is crucial to allow easy access to the pool, extending a warm welcome to all and promoting inclusion.


LBF2/82/BER - Westruther Community Enterprise - £15,000

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

HELP! Community Hub Westruther will provide a vital facility for vulnerable people in the community, the elderly, those living alone, young parents and will combat social isolation and loneliness. It needs renovated and kitted out. Please support us!

Sea the Change Image

LBF2/18/BER - Sea the Change - £13,267.98

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

Sea the Change wants to make our beautiful Scottish Borders coast available and fully accessible to people who have a physical disability or may find difficult to walk on sand. Beach access for all.

Connect Youth Berwickshire Image

LBF2/107/BER - Connect Youth Berwickshire - £10,590

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

Connecting young people from across Berwickshire with transport for trips, residentials and activity days - opportunities to learn, grow in confidence, build skills and experience. Make it a summer to remember for local children and young people!

Coldstream Community Trust Image

LBF2/57/BER - Coldstream Community Trust - £11,745

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

The Community Centre has to be made wind & watertight & fit for purpose.  Repairing the flat roof using rubberised material and acrylic is expected to last 25 years +. We also plan to repair, replace and paint the guttering, barge boards, & replace some slates on the roof.
