Investment projects with scope: Tweeddale

This heading has a budget of £5

LBF2/79/TW - Peeblesshire Youth Trust - £8,620

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

Positive Transitions, run by Peeblesshire Youth Trust & Tweeddale Youth Action will support children in the move from Primary to High School, which can trigger anxiety and stress. We will run activities and a summer residential to build confidence and resilience.


LBF2/27/TW - Newlands Community Development Trust - £15,000

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

Vote for Newlands Activity Centre and turn the Centre into a first class Theatre, Dance, Performance and Exhibition space. A lighting rig will allow us to host new activities plus provide training and work experience to budding Theatre Technicians. 


LBF2/39/TW - Peebles Lawn Tennis Club - £2,000

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

Please help us resurface Peebles tennis courts so we can get more people playing, regardless of age or ability. This will be an asset to the community and visitors - outdoor activity is fun and promotes physical and mental health and well-being.


LBF2/75/TW - Food Foundation - £5,220

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

The Food Foundation supports people with learning disabilities/other social needs to gain skills, confidence and catering qualifications. We want to create a garden café at Victoria Park Centre where our students can serve you tasty home-made food.

Outside the Box Image

LBF2/77/TW - Outside the Box - £1,098.50

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

All Together Now – is an intergenerational project bringing together the different generations in the Clovenfords/Caddonfoot area for 3 fun taster sessions to try activities such as New Age Kurling, Campfire Building and a Bake Off.

St Ronans Youth and Community Centre Image

LBF2/64/TW - St Ronans Youth and Community Centre - £8,442.08

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

The Edible Garden is a community garden run by volunteers, teaching all aspects of growing, food waste, reducing landfill and our carbon footprint. Providing access to healthy produce to improve diets and health. Linking in with the local school/clubs.


LBF2/106/TW - Peebles Ex Service Mens Pipe Band - £4,446

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

We are looking for the funding to assist with our venue hire for the next year. A Homecoming Event will start our centenary year to coincide with the end of the Beltane Festival. We hope that LBF will allow the art to be taught for years to come.


LBF2/114/TW - Innerleithen Community Trust - £11,573

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

To provide an archive to store and catalogue historical objects, documents and records relating to Innerleithen’s past and set up a database which would be accessible to members of the community and researchers either in person or online.


LBF2/115/TW - West Linton Community Council - £7,200

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

A bookable community taxi service for communities living along the A702 as far as Loanend, Dolphinton, leaving Penicuik town centre at 22:15 and 23:15 Mon to Sat, for the cost of a bus fare.

Innerleithen & District Community Council Image

LBF2/60/TW - Innerleithen & District Community Council - £4,315.20

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

We hate dog mess on our streets. We hope to develop a model to combat it that all communities can adopt. We need funds to buy 18 bins with poo bag dispensers to help address this persistent problem with positive encouragement and public engagement.
