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Participatory budgeting

LBF2/106/TW - Peebles Ex Service Mens Pipe Band - £4,446

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

We are looking for the funding to assist with our venue hire for the next year. A Homecoming Event will start our centenary year to coincide with the end of the Beltane Festival. We hope that LBF will allow the art to be taught for years to come.


LBF2/100/TW - Peebles Burgh Silver Band - £15,000

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

PBSB’s purpose is to encourage the study & practice of free instrumental brass music in the Peebles, whilst partaking in community events. To expand our playing base we require new band set of instruments at a cost of approx. £90,000. 


LBF2/104/BER - A Heart for Duns - £5,240

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

Duns Information Exchange provides a substantial makeover to the Market Square information board, improving local community information flow using low tech and high tech, sharing fit for purpose information on activities for local people and visitors.

Lauderdale Scout Group Image

LBF2/48/EIL - Lauderdale Scout Group - £10,000

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Eildon

Lauderdale Scout Hall, please support our bid to replace the roof in the old, but much loved community building, in the heart of Lauder. Our hall is available for all members of the community to use via

G10 Sports and Arts Image

LBF2/110/CHE - G10 Sports and Arts - £12,645

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Cheviot

New beginning is to bring NEW and exciting sports to Cheviot area such as Floorball, Dodgeball, Handball and many more. This fantastic opportunity will be available to all ages, while we focus on health and wellbeing our aim is fun for everyone.

Peebles CAN Image

LBF2/95/TW - Peebles CAN - £2,669

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

The community garden supports people to grow vegetables, share skills and promote healthy living. A composting toilet is essential to enable local people with health conditions to participate in fun and friendly outdoor activities without discomfort.


LBF2/93/CHE - Nisbet Initiatives Collective - £3,600

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Cheviot

Over time, the churchyard has become overgrown. We will clear overgrown areas, improve access, provide seating, an information board & booklets. We will create Heritage potential and restore for future generations.

Escape Youth Services Image

LBF2/105/T&L - Escape Youth Services - £11,655

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Teviot & Liddesdale

We wish to establish a weekly low-cost community lunch club to bring together members of the local community of all ages. Additionally, there will be monthly activity sessions open to all to share interests, skills and improve health and wellbeing.


LBF2/79/TW - Peeblesshire Youth Trust - £8,620

2019-05-16  •  admin  •  Tweeddale

Positive Transitions, run by Peeblesshire Youth Trust & Tweeddale Youth Action will support children in the move from Primary to High School, which can trigger anxiety and stress. We will run activities and a summer residential to build confidence and resilience.

Swinton Parent Council Image

LBF2/25/BER - Swinton Parent Council - £2,739.25

2019-05-01  •  admin  •  Berwickshire

To purchase foldable staging and related equipment, stored at the school, available to the school, visiting groups and community. The village lacks this resource.  This enables local people of all ages to experience events as performers or audience.
